Scottie Scheffler Assault of a Police Officer

The Scottie Scheffler Assault of a Police officer serves as a great example of how a person can find themselves charged with a serious felony. When we think of assault of police charges the first thing that comes to mind is some type of shootout with the police. But there are many other scenarios that can cause a person to be charged with assault of a police officer.

Scottie Scheffler assault of a police officer charge occurred when Scheffler tried to drive into the Valhalla Golf Club for the PGA Championship. There were many police officers outside the club investigating an incident where man had struck by a bus. Scheffler arrived for his pre-round warm up and attempted to drive his car around a stopped line of cars to get the club. A Louisville Police officer tried to stop Scheffler and claims to have been dragged by Scheffler as he continued to drive his car. The officer sustained some injuries and police charged Sheffler with several charges including Aggravated Assault of a Police Officer and Reckless Driving.

From the facts we know it appears Scheffler may have some very good defenses to the charges. Witnesses claim that Sheffler was directed by another police officer to drive to the gate and around the other cars. If Scheffler was following the instruction s of another police office that would be evidence that would negate a reckless action.

There is other evidence Scheffler may not have known the injured officer was an actual policeman. Some witnesses stated that the officers had yellow reflective vest and were dressed the same as the security guards.  The prosecution will have to be prove beyond a reasonable doubt Scheffler knew the officer was a police officer acting in the line of duty.

The prosecution would also have to prove that Scheffler’s was driving reckless and caused the officer injuries. Witnesses claim Scheffler was driving very slowly and did not travel a great distance. Many news reports stated the officer became “attached” to Scheffler’s car. He apparently did that by leaping on to the car in some way. A jury or grand jury may believe the officer overreacted and escalated the situation.

Scheffler told reporters that the entire situation was confusing, and this appears to be an accurate description of what happened. That confusion can make it difficult to prove Scheffler intentionally or recklessly assaulted the police officer. Scheffler also appeared calm and did not come of arrogant or provided. He has a great reputation of being a good person who treats other with respect.

It would not be surprising to see the District Attorney dismiss the felony charges or have a grand jury No Bill those cases. If you are ever charged with assault of a police officer retain a criminal attorney as soon as possible. An experience criminal attorney can guide you through the legal process and build a defense to the criminal charges. e