Dallas Doctor Shopping Charges On the Increase

Dallas, like all other cities in Texas, has seen an increase in Dallas Doctor Shopping Charges. The abuse of prescription drugs has greatly increased in recent years. In order to try an combat this behavior the Texas Legislature passed new laws in 2012 which made Doctor Shopping illegal.

What is Doctor Shopping? Doctor shopping is the practice of going to more than one doctor and getting the same prescription without informing the other doctor you are already being prescribed the same medication by another doctor. The crime falls under The Texas Health and Safety Code 481.129(a)(1)(A).” A person commits an offense if the person knowingly possesses, obtains, or attempts to posses or obtain a controlled substance or an increased quantity of controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.”

In 2013 The Department of Public Safety activated a data base that allowed them to check prescriptions issued by Texas doctors. Texas doctors are now required to input the prescriptions for controlled substances into this data base. This greatly increased law enforcement ability to investigate and file Texas Doctor Shopping charges. The degree of felony depends on the type of drug but they generally are third or second degree felonies.

How do people get caught? Often times a pharmacist will become suspicious of a persons refill activity and check the database. The pharmacist will then usually notify the doctor or they may also notify DPS and an investigation soon develops.

If a person believes they are being investigated for Texas Doctor Shopping they notify an experienced Texas Doctor Shopping Attorney as soon as possible. An experienced criminal attorney can best advise you of your constitutional rights and how to best proceed through the criminal justice system.

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